Immediately rewind the tape to the beginning of the previous segment.
Immediately rewind the tape to its beginning.
Rewind Menu
Rewind the tape to its beginning or to an earlier segment. Not available because the frontmost window is not a tape window.
Rewind Menu
Rewind the tape to its beginning or to an earlier segment.
Play Menu
Plays all or part of the sound on the tape. Not available because there is no tape currently open.
Play Menu
Plays all or part of the sound on the tape.
Replays the tape from the end of the previous segment to the end of the current segment.
Plays the tape to the end of the next segment.
Plays the tape from its current position to the end of the tape.
Tape Menu
Use this menu to play, record, fast forward and rewind the current tape. You can also change preferences and erase the current tape. Not available because the Clipboard is the frontmost window on the screen.
Opens an existing tape file. Not available because this is a demonstration version.
Window Menu
Use this menu to change the front-to-back order of Voice Processor windows on the screen. Not available because there is a dialog box on the screen.
Use the Linear compression algorithms supplied by Useful Software Corporation. Records to smaller files but with lower quality sound. Checked because it is the current choice.
Use the MACE compression algorithms supplied by Apple® Computer. Records with better quality sound but to larger files. Checked because it is the current choice.
Record sound with poor quality, using one-twelfth the disk space of uncompressed sound. Checked because it is the current choice.
Record sound with poor quality, using one-twelfth the disk space of uncompressed sound.
Record sound with poor quality, using one-eleventh the disk space of uncompressed sound. Checked because it is the current choice.
Record sound with poor quality, using one-eleventh the disk space of uncompressed sound.